Featured products

Will help feed a child.

Will help feed a child three meals a day for a month.

Will provide nutritious summer lunches for two children through the Feeding Our Future® program.

$100 Donation
Will help feed four children three meals a day for a month

$250 Donation
Will provide weekend meals through the Backpack Food Program for two children for an entire school year.

$500 Donation
Will provide nutritious summer lunches for twenty children through the Feeding Our Future® program.

Will provide weekend meals through the Backpack Food Program for eight children for an entire school year.
General Donation

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*All products from our catalog may contain or be prepared with equipment that is also used to prepare products containing wheat, soy, milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and gluten. Please contact us before ordering if you have any questions about any of our selections.
Please contact us if you need to request a refund. All refunds for non-student meal plans will be resolved within 72 hours.